By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning
The VPFA and OTL are pleased to announce the third cohort of DATs@DU! Two new departments/programs will be working with DAT facilitators over the next 10 months through a change process known as “Department Action Teams” (DATs).
Participating departments will determine ways to apply the Teaching Quality Framework and ensure three voices (self, student, peer) are reflected in teaching evaluation for annual and consequential review.
Please join us in congratulating DATs@DU Cohort 3:
Daniels Department of Marketing:
Michele Cunningham, Teaching Professor
Amrita Day, Assistant Professor
Tia Quinlan-Wilder, Teaching Associate Professor (Team Lead)
Department of Spanish Language, Literature & Cultural Studies:
Chad Leahy, Chair and Associate Professor (Team Lead)
Kathleen Guerra, Teaching Assistant Professor
Lina Reznicek-Parrado, Teaching Assistant Professor
We would also like to extend a hearty congratulations to our new Faculty Fellow of Teaching and Learning, Dr. Rashida Banerjee, Professor and Chair for the Department of Teaching and Learning Sciences who will serve as a DAT facilitator for cohort 3.