Together, we’ll take the “Next Steps in Advancing Equity in Faculty Workload and Rewards.” The Spring Provost Conference series is extended over the quarter to give faculty a variety of opportunities to engage key initiatives. All events are hyflex, but we recommend attending in person. Refreshments will be served.
Click here for more information and registration for our R1 Our Way Series
Teaching Excellence
Everyone knows that student evaluations of teaching are only one measure of learning and teaching quality. Yet, it is often difficult to move toward robust assessments of teaching excellence. It’s also challenging to capture the work of designing and facilitating an inclusive learning environment.
On April 1st, Dr. Noah Finkelstein and Dr. Sarah Andrews visited campus to discuss the importance of multiple measures for equity and evaluation. On April 15th from 12-1pm, Dr. Kim Case of Virginia Commonwealth University will visit DU to explore how the difficult but important work of inclusive pedagogy can be celebrated and made more visible. Register here
These two talks complement and celebrate the work of the Teaching Excellence Task Force and the Department Action Teams (DATs), working to reimagine evaluating teaching excellence in their areas.
Join us May 17th from noon-1 for Advancing Teaching Evaluation: A Working Session with special guests Drs Noah Finkelstein and Sarah Andrews from CU Boulder, leads of the Teaching Quality Framework project. This working session is designed to prepare key DU stakeholders to engage in work to transform teaching evaluation at departmental and campus levels. The primary audience will be Departmental Action Teams (DATs) and DAT facilitators, though all campus stakeholders are welcome to the opening session (noon-1). This session will involve a presentation and Q&A to familiarize participants with the overall framing and process, define three voices of evaluation, and map those three voices to a teaching evaluation framework. A 1-hour, invitation-only workshop will follow to allow DATs and DAT facilitators to dive more deeply into the framework (contextualize to their units) and the three voices (consider specific tools and associated processes that make sense for their unit).
Click here to register for Advancing Teaching Evaluation: A Working Session
Workload Equity
KerryAnn O’Meara, University of Maryland–College Park, headlined the 2021 Provost Conference on the Post-Pandemic Professoriate with her presentation, “Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads by Design.” Her co-author Joya Misra (University of Massachusetts–Amherst) contributed to the series with the panel, “Evaluating the Impacts of Covid-19 on Faculty Careers.” Drs. O’Meara and Misra are back in 2022, offering two workshops to help departments take action now to ameliorate workload inequity.
On May 2nd from 12-1pm, Drs. O’Meara and Misra will articulate the bias that shapes how workload is defined, distributed, taken up, and rewarded, and offer actionable strategies for changing this in departments. Register here.
On May 27th from 11:30-12:30pm, Dr. Misra will highlight one particular tool: Faculty Work Activity Dashboards. Register here. And stay tuned for an additional spring webinar with Kim Case on representing DEI work in tenure and promotion materials.
These talks advance the practice of the Department Equity Action Planning (DEAP) teams who are diving into workload equity and supporting the work of the Workload Equity Committee.
Research Excellence
You are warmly invited to learn, discuss, and celebrate research at the University of Denver with Senior Vice Provost Corinne Lengsfeld, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, and several internal and external panel members, as we dive into topics surrounding DU’s jump to R1 status.
Part of the Provost’s Spring Conference Series, R1 Our Way is designed to support research on campus with topics including grants and contracts, open-access publishing, internal and early-career award tips, mentoring, and more. The three-day event will culminate in a party to celebrate the accomplishments of our principal investigators and staff.
April 18 | 2:00-3:00 pm
Keynote: Journey to R1, Now What?
April 18 | 3:00-4:00 pm
April 19 | 9:00-10:00 am
April 19 | 10:30-11:30 am
Publisher Insights into Open Access Publishing
April 19 | 1:00-2:00
April 20 | 12:00-1:00 pm
Internal Awards Secrets to Success
April 20 | 2:00-3:00 pm
April 20 | 4:00-6:00 pm
Supporting Teaching and Professional Faculty
The University of Denver was awarded the Pullias Center’s 2021 Delphi Award for supporting faculty off the tenure track at the 2021 American Association of Colleges & Universities 2022 Annual Meeting “Educating for Democracy.” On March 21st, Vice Provost Kate Willink, Clinical Associate Professor and Resident Scholar for TPF Laura Sponsler, and Director of Faculty Development & Career Advancement Alison Staudinger participated in the Webinar: “Campus Innovations for Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Transforming Culture, Resources, and Practices that Enable Inclusion and Student Success.”
On May 13th from 11:30-1pm, Dr. Willink, Dr. Sponsler, and Dr. Staudinger will host “Next Steps in Institutionalizing a Culture of Respect for Teaching & Professional Faculty: An Interactive Conversation” to share this content with DU. Come to this panel to offer your perspective on what DU can do to better support TPF faculty.