Opportunity: Participate in Study on Mid-Career Teaching and Professional Faculty (TPF) Leadership

Feb 27, 2022

Resident Scholar for TPF and Associate Clinical Professor Laura Sponsler, Director of Faculty Development and Career Advancement Alison Staudinger, and VPFA Graduate Assistant and Higher Education Master’s student Liz Spooner are seeking to better understand the experiences of mid-career TPF faculty at DU, as we live into the new series.


Teaching and professional faculty are invited to participate in a 90-minute Zoom focus group in Winter or Spring 2022. Participants will receive a “thank you” gift of $50. 


Findings will inform the design of TPF professional development opportunities, and contribute to the broader understanding of academic career trajectories off the tenure track. Interested? All appointed TPF (i.e. clinical, library, teaching, professor of the practice) at the Associate level or above are encouraged to apply.

To  indicate your willingness to participate, please complete the Qualtrics survey below. It begins with an informed consent form that is required for participation and includes additional information about the study, risk, and benefits, and then asks questions about demographic data. Research Project PIs will contact interested TPF faculty to discuss next steps and focus group scheduling.

Click here to fill out survey

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