Recording Available: Pathways to Promotion for Teaching and Professional Faculty

Nov 29, 2021

Faculty Senate President Sarah Pessin, Resident Scholar for Teaching and Professional Faculty Laura Sponsler, and the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs co-hosted a panel on promotion for Teaching and Professional Faculty (TPF) in late November. Faculty from across campus shared resources and experiences about the promotion process set forth in DU’s Policies and Procedures Relating to Faculty Appointment, Promotion, & Tenure (aka, “the APT document”), approved by the Board of Trustees in 2015.

The event is recommended for new TPF faculty, and chairs, deans, and committee members who will evaluate TPF faculty cases for promotion.

Paula Adamo, Teaching Professor, Spanish, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Heather Martin, Teaching Professor, Writing, Undergraduate Academic Programs
Paul Michalec, Clinical Professor, Morgridge College of Education
Michael Talamantes, Clinical Professor, Graduate School of Social Work

Click Here for the Video

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