Tools for Success is a faculty learning community designed for teaching and professional faculty (TPF) in the assistant rank at the University of Denver. The FLC will explore areas essential to the success of teaching faculty including: community building, effective instruction, wellness, DU culture, promotion, national treRegister for the Teaching and Professional Faculty Tools for Success FLC nds, and the roles of TPF. We will utilize one book in our sessions (Inclusive Collegiality and Nontenure-Track Faculty: Engaging All Faculty as Colleagues to Promote Healthy Departments and Institutions). The FLC will be led by Dr. Laura Sponsler, Clinical Associate Professor, Higher Education, and Faculty Scholar – Teaching and Professional Faculty.
We will meet in the OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345) weekly during the Winter Quarter on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., starting on Friday, January 7.
Please register for the Teaching and Professional Faculty Tools for Success FLC if you are interested in joining us!
For more information contact Laura Sponsler at