DU has been awarded the 2021 Delphi Award for Supporting Teaching & Professional Faculty

Sep 30, 2021

We’re proud to announce that DU has been named the 2021 Delphi Award recipient from the Pullias Center for Higher Education, which honors groups or institutions who support non-tenure-track faculty in “pursuing strategic priorities such as student learning and community engagement.” The Faculty Senate, Office of the Provost, and other DU leaders have been working to institutionalize support for Teaching and Professional Faculty (TPF) since the 2015 Appointment, Tenure, and Promotion (APT) guidelines recognized new pathways to promotion for faculty in appointed lines such as Teaching, Clinical, and Research.

Resident Scholar for TPF, Laura Sponsler collaborated with the Director of Faculty Development & Career Advancement, Alison Staudinger, and the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs to apply for this honor. DU was recognized for the ongoing organizational learning that has accompanied changes in APT, and efforts by the Office of the Provost to protect TPF during COVID-related disruptions to pay and workload. The $15,000 award will be used to further support TPF faculty at DU.

To learn more about the history of TPF at DU, including a scorecard of strengths and growth areas, please review Laura Sponsler’s white paper.

Read the white paper

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