Initiatives corresponding to this priority build on the work of the MOARS Symposium groups and emphasize the importance of leadership development which shapes faculty experience, career advancement, and satisfaction across their careerspan. They consider the importance of leadership in units, departments, and programs for faculty experience on a daily basis, and recognize that these faculty leaders also need pathways for growth and development. Highlights from faculty data sources which correspond to this theme are included below.
COACHE AREAS OF CONCERN (DU is below 3.75/5 and in bottom third of cohort of 103 institutions)
COACHE defines promotion as the movement from associate professor to full professor, and strength of the policies, developmental opportunities, and practices that facilitate such movement.
COACHE defines leadership as the ability to clearly articulate institutional mission and vision; to involve faculty in meaningful decisions that affect them; to provide clear and consistent expectations and support for research, teaching, service, and outreach; and to promote equity and fairness in faculty evaluation.