As we prepare to return to a new normal this fall, the Spring Provost Conference Virtual Luncheon Series invites national experts like KerryAnn O’Meara and Joya Misra to campus to think together about how we as a university want to imagine and enact the post-pandemic university. This series offers time and space for us to think through pressing problems in higher education — faculty workload equity, faculty COVID-19 accommodations, and pandemic impact statements, and evaluating teaching excellence. These issues predate the pandemic but have also been exacerbated and changed by it. In concert with national thought leaders and existing university task forces, committees, and academic leaders, we will consider how DU faculty and staff can design for equity in our practices, processes, and policies. How can we seize this opportunity to take the best from the past, the lessons from the pandemic, and visions of the future to plan for a sustainable and improved post-pandemic university? We hope you will join us for these conversations.
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