Early career faculty are pulled in numerous, often competing directions during their first years on the job. Consequently, many end up surrendering their long-term goals and aspirations at the expense of short-term demands. Whether volunteering for numerous committees, taking on more student mentees, and/or trying to jumpstart research, it can be easy to lose sight of bigger goals and how they align to a career plan. Establishing a career vision early on, that early career faculty can return to again and again, is crucial in making strategic decisions.
Join us online for an interactive workshop where you will develop an intentional and strategic career plan to help you focus on the big picture and seize opportunities that align with your goals. In this workshop, we will provide you with a wealth of useful examples from different types of academic paths and institutions. Whether you are on a traditional promotion and tenure journey or have other aspirations, you will walk away from this training with a career map you can return to and revise time and time again.
Who Should Attend?