This brand new virtual course, offered through Academic Impressions (AI), will help faculty productively engage in conflict. Available any time!
Description: few academics would characterize themselves as comfortable or skilled in navigating difficult conversations. In fact, many of us go out of our way to avoid conflicts. Avoidance not only prevents problems from being resolved but can hinder opportunities to build interpersonal trust and respect within our departments.
Effectively navigating difficult conversations can improve your sense of well-being, collegial relationships, the culture of your department, and your academic brand. The purpose of this video course is to help you develop the strategies and techniques required to resist the urge to avoid or fuel interpersonal conflicts and provide you with tools that will allow you to manage these situations with greater ease and confidence
To activate your AI membership, visit enter your DU email address in the “create account/login” and you will be prompted to use your SSO credentials. (DU username and password). It’s that easy!