Online Sabbatical Update

Online Sabbatical Update

Starting this year, the process of applying for a sabbatical leave has been moved online. Please communicate information about the changes to faculty who are eligible for a sabbatical leave. Also please note the following: This year, faculty members will file a...
Senate APT Revisions

Senate APT Revisions

The Faculty Senate and the Faculty approved an amendment to the APT providing the option of a one-year extension for promotion and contract renewals in response to delays in research, teaching, and service contributions due to the pandemic. Faculty members interested...

Teaching and Professional Faculty

Non-tenure track faculty are a growing population of faculty in higher education. Here at DU, We’ve created and professionalized our faculty off the tenure track by creating a series of Teaching and Professional Faculty. DU BACKGROUND In 2015, the University of Denver...
Cover Sheet for Promotion & Tenure

Cover Sheet for Promotion & Tenure

We had a discussion at the recent Associate Deans’ huddle about adding a cover sheet to the Tenure and Promotion packets to help reduce errors, speed up the process and provide an at-a-glance review for each candidate.  Please use this fillable pdf this year as the...