Celebrating DATs and DEAPs: Summer Retreat

Sep 5, 2023

Earlier this summer, two R1 Our Way faculty and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) retreats were held off site to take advantage of cost-sharing, protected time, and collaborative opportunities within and among DU participants. Forty DU faculty and staff attended the retreats. 


The Summer ‘23 Departmental Action Team (DAT) retreat was held to provide focused work time for the second cohort of DATs—Biological Sciences, Business Information and Analytics, Physics and Astronomy. These teams are working toward department-level reform of teaching evaluation processes for annual and consequential review. Please see below for how to apply to become a DAT this year. The deadline is September 12th. 


The first workload equity Department Equity Action Planning (DEAP) teams retreat was held this summer. All three of the cohort 2 DEAP teams attended. They include Graduate School of Professional Psychology (GSPP), Media, Film, and Journalism Studies (MFSJ); and Communication Studies (CS). Responding to feedback that the first cohort (2022) did not have sufficient collaborative work time, this retreat was designed around supported, unbroken work time in teams. All three teams made substantial progress on their workload equity projects, moving from establishing clear goals for their project to building prototypes of dashboard tools and communication plans for sharing with their departments 

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