The COACHE survey asked faculty about academic life on the DU campus. 2023 results are now available.
To access the preliminary report, follow these directions:
- Login to MyDU with your DU ID and password
- Type “COACHE Survey 2023 Initial Report” into the search bar
- Click on the first result to open the report
Click here to view 1-pager data visualizations of the 2023 survey results.
Faculty Response Rate and Satisfaction
DU Response Rates
We are grateful for our faculty’s willingness to share their experiences—our response rate (65%) was more than 20% higher than other institutions. You can see the response rates of your peers below.
Response Rates by Division
% of faculty responding from each division
Response Rates by Respondent Characteristics
% of faculty responding from each demographic
Best & Worst Aspects of Working at DU
Best Aspects of Working at DU
Worst Aspects of Working at DU
% of faculty responding
Satisfaction with DU as A Place to Work
Department as a place to work
Institution as a place to work
Percentile and DU Mean Score by Category
The COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey comprises 26 benchmarks distributed across 8 themes. Below are DU’s percentile score (where 100% is the highest) and DU’s mean score, ranked by mean rating for each survey item on a five-point scale (5 = highest).
Nature of Work
Research is defined by faculty satisfaction with the time faculty members have to commit to research, institutional expectations for research productivity, and the resources provided to faculty to meet them. Service refers to quantity, quality, and equitable distribution of faculty service work as well as institutional efforts to help faculty be service leaders and sustain their other commitments. Teaching is defined as the supports institutions provide faculty to teach well, the time faculty are given to invest in it, and faculty satisfaction with teaching load.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Research: 3.19
Service: 3.09
Teaching: 3.72
Resources and support
Facilities and Work Resources is defined as the physical workplace available for faculty to do their work and additional resources like, technology and administrative assistance. Personal and Family Policies measures faculty beliefs about the effectiveness of various policies–many of them related to work-family balance and support for families. Health and retirement benefits is defined as faculty attitudes about their health and retirement benefits. Similarly, Salary is defined as faculty attitudes about their salary.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Facilities and Work Resources: 3.54
Personal and Family Policies: 3.05
Health and Retirement Benefits: 3.10
Salary: 2.91
Cross-silo work and mentorship
Interdisciplinary Work is defined as the research collaboration within and between institutions and with off-campus partners. Collaboration reflects faculty work that requires collaboration with students, peers, administrators, and/or other colleagues inside and outside of the institution and with the broader community. Mentoring is defined as the variety of institutional options, models, and strategic collaborations in which faculty members build networks beyond their departments and colleges.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Interdisciplinary Work: 2.50
Collaboration: 3.42
Mentoring: 2.94
Tenure and promotion
This includes faculty attitudes about Tenure Policies, including their Clarity. This also include policies and processes for Promotion to Full. Only faculty who are on the tenure track answer these questions.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Tenure Policies: 3.40
Tenure Expectations – Clarity: 3.05
Promotion to Full: 3.42
Institutional leadership
Academic leaders is defined as faculty satisfaction with multiple aspects of institutional leadership: pace of decision making, stated priorities, communication of priorities, ensuring faculty input, and fairness in evaluating work. Senior leadership includes president/chancellor and chief academic officer/provost. Divisional leadership includes deans and division heads. Departmental leadership includes the department head or chair.
Faculty leadership includes the institutional governing body. Those who serve in this capacity were instructed to select “not applicable”.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Senior: 2.94
Divisional: 2.95
Departmental: 3.72
Faculty: 3.14
Shared Governance
Shared Governance is defined as governance in which faculty, administrators, and other stakeholders listen respectfully to different perspectives and then work together to make decisions aligned with their shared understanding of their institution’s best interests. This includes Trust, Shared Sense of Purpose, Understanding of the Issue at Hand, Adaptability, and Productivity.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Trust: 2.78
Shared Sense of Purpose: 2.87
Understanding the Issue at Hand: 2.75
Adaptability: 2.63
Productivity: 2.83
The Department
Collegiality is defined as faculty satisfaction with their sense of “fit” among their colleagues, their personal interactions with colleagues, and colleague support for work/life balance. Engagement is defined as faculty engagement as measured by their professional interactions and their departmental discussions about undergraduate and graduate learning, pedagogy, the use of technology, and research methodologies. Quality is defined as the intellectual vitality of faculty, the scholarship that is produced, the effectiveness of teaching, how well the department recruits and retains excellent faculty, and whether and how poor faculty performance is handled.
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable.
Departmental Engagement: 3.75
Departmental Quality: 3.60
Departmental Collegiality: 3.45
Appreciation and Recognition: 3.12