COACHE defines promotion as the movement from associate professor to full professor, and strength of the policies that facilitate such movement (e.g., modified duties such as reduced teaching load; provision of workshops on sabbatical planning and other topics; shifting workloads to more teaching or more research, improved communication about timing for promotion, small grants to support mid-career faculty, etc.).
How do we compare to our peer/cohort
Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable. The functional range of responses for the 103 schools in the cohort was approximately 2.7-4.15. DU scored 3.5/5, which was in the bottom third of the cohort. However, satisfaction with clarity on promotion to full was commensurate with the middle third for associate level faculty for whom this information is most pertinent.
Survey terms that relate to this category include
Q135B-Q135E for Tenured Faculty Only Q135.
- [Associate and Full Faculty] My department has a culture where associate professors are encouraged to work towards promotion to full professorship.
- [Associate and Full Faculty Only] Generally, the expectations for promotion from associate to full professor are reasonable to me.
- [Tenured Assistant Faculty] My department has a culture where assistant professors are encouraged to work towards promotion to associate professorship.
- [Tenured Assistant Faculty] Generally, the expectations for promotion from assistant to associate professor are reasonable to me.
Q136. Please rate the clarity of the following aspects of earning tenure in your department:
- The tenure process in my department
- The tenure criteria (what things are evaluated) in my department
- The tenure standards (the performance thresholds) in my department
- The body of evidence (the dossier’s contents) that will be considered in making my tenure decision
- My sense of whether or not I will achieve tenure
- The procedures for complaints and grievances originating in my department
Q132. At this time, do you believe you will achieve tenure?
Q133. Why do you feel that you will not achieve tenure at this institution?
Q137. Is what’s expected in order to earn tenure clear to you regarding your performance as:
- A scholar
- A teacher
- An advisor to students
- A colleague in your department
- A campus citizen
- [College and University Faculty] A member of the broader community (e.g., outreach)
- [Clinical Faculty] A provider of patient care/client services
Q139. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
- I have received consistent messages from tenured faculty about the requirements for tenure.
- In my opinion, tenure decisions here are made primarily on performance-based criteria (e.g., research/creative work, teaching, and/or service) rather than on non-performance-based criteria (e.g., politics, relationships, and/or demographics).
Q140A-Q140F for Tenured Associate or Tenured Full Faculty Q140. Please rate the clarity of the following aspects of promotion in rank from associate professor to full professor:
- The promotion process in my department
- The promotion criteria (what things are evaluated) in my department
- The promotion standards (the performance thresholds) in my department
- The body of evidence (the dossier’s contents) considered in making promotion decisions
- The time frame within which associate professors should apply for promotion
- [Tenured Associate Faculty] My sense of whether I will be promoted from associate to full professor
- [Tenured Associate Professor] Have you received formal feedback on your progress toward promotion to full professor?
- [Pre-tenure Assistant Professor] Have you received formal feedback on your progress toward tenure?
Q155. You responded: [INSERT Q150 RESPONSE]. What are your primary reasons?
- Lack of support from my department chairLack of support from my colleagues
- Lack of time/support for research
- Heavy teaching load
- Administrative responsibilities
- Family/personal responsibilities
- I have not been signaled to do so by someone in my department
- Not interested in promotionI am planning to leave the institution
- I plan to retire before promotion [Clinical Faculty]
- Heavy clinical load
Q156. Please rate the clarity of the following aspects of promotion in rank from assistant professor to associate professor:
- The promotion process in my department
- The promotion criteria (what things are evaluated) in my department
- The promotion standards (the performance thresholds) in my department
- The body of evidence (the dossier’s contents) considered in making promotion decisions
- The time frame within which associate assistant professors should apply for promotion
- My sense of whether or not I will be promoted from assistant to associate professor
Q157. Have you received formal feedback on your progress toward promotion to associate professor?
Q152. When do you plan to submit your dossier for promotion to associate professor?
Q450. Please rate the clarity of the following aspects of contract renewal in your department:
- The contract renewal process in my department
- The contract renewal criteria (what things are evaluated) in my department
- The contract renewal standards (the performance thresholds) in my department
- The body of evidence (the dossier’s contents) considered in making contract renewal decisions
- My sense of whether or not my contract will be renewed
Q460. Please rate the clarity of the following aspects of promotion in your department:
- The promotion process for non-tenure-track faculty in my department
- The criteria (what things are evaluated) for promotion of non-tenure-track faculty in my department
- The standards (the performance thresholds) for promotion of non-tenure-track faculty in my department
- The body of evidence (the dossier’s contents) considered in making promotion decisions for non-tenure-track faculty in my department
- My sense of whether I will be promoted