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Department Collegiality

COACHE defines collegiality as a faculty member’s cognizance of their sense of “fit” among their colleagues, their personal interactions with colleagues, whether their colleagues “pitch in” when needed, and colleague support for work/life balance.


How do we compare to our peer/cohort

Response options ranged from 1-5 where 5 is the most favorable. The functional range of responses for the 103 schools in the cohort was approximately 3.6-4.25. DU scored 3.79/5 on department collegiality and 3.45 on department engagement. For the full faculty, both of these ratings were in the bottom third of the cohort, while pre-tenure faculty and faculty who identify as women endorsed collegiality commensurate with the top and middle groups, respectively.

Survey terms that relate to this category include

Q190. How often do you engage with faculty in your department in conversations about:

  1. Undergraduate student learning
  2. [University Faculty] Graduate student learning
  3. Effective teaching practices
  4. Effective use of technology
  5. Use of current research methodologies
  6. [Clinical Faculty] Resident learning
  7. [Clinical Faculty] Effective patient care practices

Q195. Please rate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following:

  1. The intellectual vitality of tenured faculty in your department
  2. The intellectual vitality of pre-tenure faculty in your department
  3. The research/scholarly/creative productivity of tenured faculty in your department
  4. The research/scholarly/creative productivity of pre-tenure faculty in your department
  5. The intellectual vitality of non-tenure-track faculty in your department
  6. The research/scholarly/creative productivity of non-tenure-track faculty in your department
  7. The teaching effectiveness of tenured faculty in your department
  8. The teaching effectiveness of pre-tenure faculty in your department
  9. The teaching effectiveness of non-tenure-track faculty in your department

Q200. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

  1. I have been able to find the right balance, for me, between my professional life and my personal/family life.
  2. My institution does what it can to make personal/family obligations (e.g. childcare or eldercare) and an academic career compatible.
  3. My departmental colleagues do what they can to make personal/family obligations (e.g. childcare or eldercare) and an academic career compatible.
  4. Department meetings occur at times that are compatible with my personal/family needs.

Q205. Please rate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following:

  1. The amount of professional interaction you have with pre-tenure faculty in your department
  2. The amount of personal interaction you have with pre-tenure faculty in your department
  3. How well you fit in your department (e.g. your sense of belonging in your department)
  4. The amount of professional interaction you have with tenured faculty in your department
  5. The amount of personal interaction you have with tenured faculty in your department
  6. The amount of professional interaction you have with non-tenure-track faculty in your department
  7. The amount of personal interaction you have with non-tenure-track faculty in your department