The first cohort of DEAP teams launched in Spring 2022, with Provost Conference visits from Dr. KerryAnn O’Meara, University of Maryland-College Park and Dr. Kim Case, Virginia Commonwealth University. These speakers challenged the campus, and the teams, to understand workload as a core equity issue and to implement solutions. DEAPs administered a survey to their departments to identify important workload issues.
In August 2022, teams attended a workshop with Dr. Joya Misra, University of Massachusetts- Amherst on one such solution: the faculty workload dashboard.
They worked on their dashboards in teams during the fall quarter, and attended a working session with staff from Institutional Research who helped them imagine next steps.
Once their draft dashboards are submitted, we’ll share them here. In Winter 2023, DEAPS will build on what they learned from this initial dashboard to refine their process, engage with their departments, and work towards an “equity action plan” that identifies concrete steps to improve workload.
Higher Education, Morgridge College
D-L Stewart
DEAP Leader, Chair, and Professor
Michele Tyson
Assistant Clinical Professor
Sarah Hurtado
Assistant Professor
Chris Nelson
Assistant Professor
Spanish Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Salvador Mercado
DEAP Leader and Associate Professor
Lina Reznicek-Parrado
Teaching Assistant Professor
Chad Leahy
Associate Professor and Chair
Kathleen Guerra
Teaching Associate Professor
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Rachel Walsh
DEAP Leader, Associate Professor, Chair
Jennifer Pap
Associate Professor
Victor Castellani
Angelo Castagnino
Associate Professor
Greg Storch
Assistant to the Chair