DU Chair Handbook

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DU offices and programs

Chairs will likely need to connect with the following offices and programs:

Student Concerns

The Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment is a part of the Health and Counseling Center. It supports survivor healing by providing advocacy and support for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. Services are confidential and free of charge. (Website)

The Health and Counseling Center offers integrated health and counseling support to DU students, focusing on body and mind. All DU students, whether part- or full-time, have access to HCC services. (Website)

Student Outreach and Support offers a referral system that connects students who may be facing challenging situations to the support resources that they need. It provides support in situations that are not immediate emergencies. Chairs are expected to refer faculty with student concerns to SOS. (Website)

Personnel Concerns

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX supports equal opportunity and equity for DU students, faculty, and staff, in all aspects of employment and educational programming. The Office investigates claims around discrimination based on protected status, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. They also offer trainings and education. (Website)

Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence manages all hiring, performance development and management, and similar aspects for all DU employees. Specific HRIC staff are assigned to particular DU units. (Website)

Risk Management
The Office of Enterprise Risk Management works with DU offices to manage the University’s risks, in areas that range from insurance to international travel, from records management to workers’ compensation claims. (Website)

Research Concerns

The Human Subjects Research Office (IRB), housed within ORSP, operates the University’s Institutional Review Board, which reviews and monitors all research involving human subjects. The IRB is mandated to protect the rights and welfare of humans who participate as subjects in any DU research. (Website)

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs supports research, scholarship, and creative activities around grant writing, submission, and reporting related to external funders (sponsoring agencies and collaborating companies or other institutions). (Website)

Academic and Administrative Programs

University of Denver Admissions includes undergraduate, graduate, and international admissions processes, with different teams focusing on each. Undergraduate admissions are managed centrally; chairs may be asked to meet with prospective undergraduate students and/or participate (or send colleagues to participate) in prospective student, admitted student, and orientation events. Chairs will generally be more involved in the graduate recruitment and admissions process, which takes place at the departmental and unit level. International admission is folded into each larger process. (Website)

Alumni Engagement
Alumni Engagement is part of the University Advancement office. It works to connect and re-engage University graduates by sharing news about DU, organizing alumni events, and helping connect alumni with faculty and current students. Chairs can help by passing on news about department or program graduates, or by inviting alumni to departmental events. (Website)

Career and Professional Development (Career@DU)
These offices focus on engaging undergraduate and graduate students and supporting their trajectories of career and professional development. Most units have dedicated staff members. These offices offer a range of workshops and career fairs throughout the academic year, as well as individual sessions. They also work to develop and tailor workshops for particular units or programs. (Website)

The Office of Teaching and Learning supports all aspects of teaching and learning, with a focus on strengthening practices in teaching, course design, and curriculum development. They offer a range of workshops and faculty learning communities, including on inclusive teaching practices, throughout the year. (Website)

The Office of the Registrar supports faculty and students with registration and advising by helping create class schedules, assign classrooms, supporting student registration, providing degree audits, degree evaluation, and transcripts, verifying enrollment, and similar activities. In many cases, chairs submit quarterly or annual course schedules through their departmental assistants, who work with the registrar to assign classrooms. (Website)

Shared Services
Shared Services is the umbrella organization that manages the University’s central payroll, benefits, employment actions, payments, procurement, and recruiting functions. They are the go-to group for perplexing questions related to timesheets, concur, and hiring processes. Your assistant probably goes to this group all the time. The chair just needs to know that’s where to go for assistance. (Website)

University Academic Programs works with departments across campus to oversee and organize aspects of curricular and co-curricular learning, focusing on undergraduate students. It oversees the First-Year Seminar (FSEM) program, Interterm courses, and the Living and Learning Communities (LLCs). (Website)


DU Advancement works to support philanthropic engagement with the University, focusing on alumni and foundation support. Individuals from Advancement are assigned to particular schools and colleges. It is good to communicate priorities for your Department to your assigned staff person. (Website)

Institutional Research and Analysis
This office is the central and centralized source for institutional information, at the macro and micro level. Its Factbook and Reporting offer useful data points about the University, and it offers statistical modeling and analysis, and data visualization, thac can support unit and program questions. (Website) (Organizational chart)

The Office of Internationalization develops and oversees DU’s international initiatives and supports intercultural learning across the university. It houses International Student and Scholar Services, which supports international community members with visa processing and programming. It houses the English Language Center, which provides language and intercultural learning to international students. It houses the Office of International Education, which oversees DU’s study abroad program. It also manages DU’s strategic and priority partnerships with overseas institutions. (Website)

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI, formerly ODI) supports the University’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive institution. It helps develop institutional policies and practices, and supports DEI work through a range of talks and other events. (Website)