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The OTL has prepared a suite of offerings to support you as you prepare for summer or fall. Here are some ...

As the last several days and months have made abundantly clear, communities of color are disproportionately ...

Instructor Insight is a resource that all faculty can access in Canvas that we are piloting in Spring Quarter ...

Instructor Insight is a resource that all faculty can access in Canvas that we are piloting in Spring Quarter ...
Colleen Reilly is an adjunct professor in the Daniel’s College of Business. She has tirelessly met with me to make ...

When COVID-19 struck the state, Andrea Harbeck only had one choice with her interns.
“Get everyone ...

The Lamont School of Music has been working with students to ensure that music majors are able to continue with ...

Bobbie is an Associate Professor, an Assistant Dean of Academic Operations and Data at University College, and ...

David Thomas, Phd has spent 25 years in and around learning and technology. He comes to DU after spending 16 ...
The University and the Division of Marketing and Communications continue to work toward a more consistent presence ...
Attention former department chairs and directors! Are you willing to provide informal advice to a current chair or ...
On a positive note this a.m., we are almost 30 minutes into our 2.5 hour webinar for prospective students who have ...
We would love to hear from you, your office, and/or faculty within your departments to learn more about your unit, and to hear hopes and concerns of faculty.